Tuesday, December 16, 2008
After working at Stabilus for 11 years, I was laid off due to alot of our jobs being sent to their Mexico plant. I was a final assembly lead for the majority of those 11 years. I was fortunate to be able to attend school to help me begin a new career.
I live in Gastonia with my husband, Ed, and our two dogs, a yorkie named Hailey and an Akita named Keiko. We have two grown children, Jennifer and Daniel, and three granddaughters named, Michaela, Bayli, and Rayvn.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Dragon NaturallySpeaking
You can dictate, rather than type, into any program that accepts text. Dragon NaturallySpeaking recognizes natural and continuous speech and converts it to text on the screen.
This software can be very beneficial for someone who is not an efficient typist. It would also be great for people who have to type documents. I have recently heard commercials on my favorite radio station advertising Dragon NaturallySpeaking.
PhotoStory and YouTube
In a few simple steps, you can import and edit your pictures, add titles, record narration, add background music, and save your story using the optimal quality settings (profile) for the way your story will be played.
YouTube is the leader in online video, and the premier destination to watch and share original videos worldwide through a Web experience. YouTube allows people to easily upload and share video clips on www.YouTube.com and across the Internet through websites, mobile devices, blogs, and email.
Everyone can watch videos on YouTube. People can see first-hand accounts of current events, find videos about their hobbies and interests, and discover the quirky and unusual. As more people capture special moments on video, YouTube is empowering them to become the broadcasters of tomorrow.
This is a great way to share narrated pictures and videos with friends and family. Its alot easier than trying to download a large file over and over again. I would have loved to have software like this when my chilren were babies.
I wish I'd have known about SurveyMonkey during my English 114 class! I had a very hard time trying to format a survey. With SurveryMonkey its easy to create a survey.
I think this is one of my favorite web applications. The instructions are simple and easy to understand. One of the most unique things about Animoto is you can use the same pictures and get a different effect every time.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
I think Facebook compared to MySpace is more appropriate for people my age. Facebook is a good way to meet new people who live in your area. It is also a good way to keep up with friends and family.
Sound Recorder and Switch Audio File Conversion Software
- Adding sounds to a file.
- Deleting part of the sound file.
- Changing the playback speed.
- Changing the playback volume.
- Changing the playback direction.
- Changing or converting the sound file type.
- Adding an echo.
With Switch you can convert your sound files into the formats you need to compress for storage, create ringtones, add to a presentation, listen on your portable device and much more. In fact, the possibilities are endless using this powerful audio converter.
I think this would be great way to do a PowerPoint presentation for someone who is uncomfortable speaking in public. It is a simple way to narrate your pictures or add music to the background of a video. Mixing music for for home videos is easy to do with this software.
Box.net used to post converted audio file
Founded in March 2005, Box.net is a leading provider of tools for managing and sharing data online. The service enables users to share, access, and collaborate on files of any type from anywhere. Box.net is the first web-native system for access and collaboration which allows a broad array of functionality. With over 2 million users, over 1 million files served every day, and more than 1000 developers in the Box Enabled Network, the service is used by individuals, small businesses, and Fortune 1000 companies.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I have used Flickr to send pictures to my friends and family. The instructions are simple and easy to understand. My son has started using Flickr to post pictures on his MySpace page.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
del.icio.us can be very beneficial for someone who uses more than one computer. It can be a very useful tool for people who surf the Web. del.icio.us is a more efficient way to keep things organized than using folders.
Thursday, October 30, 2008